Discover the intriguing world of Ayurvedic prescription, where each physician crafts a unique set of rituals and herbal recipe for the same individual, yet yielding similar results!
The freedom to use our power of imagination is simply unparalleled! How do we explain this? Within this realm, myriad methods exist to cancel or counterbalance a -25. The best way is to bring +25 to do this. This is one option. Consider 5 x +5s or a blend of +15 and +10. There are many many more. Isn't it a mathematical dance, magic of numbers - within Ayurvedic healing! Let's get into the how does it work part of it! Ever perused a prescription from a seasoned Ayurvedic master in Kerala? Expect to find kashayam, anupaanam, arishtam, mridu-shodhanam and a topical support — each element meticulously chosen. But why all five in one prescription? The journey into this inquiry leads to profound realisations, enhancing your understanding about the disease, recipes and the power of your prescription. You will learn